We don't just redesign. We reinvent.

A traditional redesign is a waste of precious time and money. You've got to change culture and behavior of journalists to really focus on readers.


WE PROVIDE a very different and collaborative way of designing newspapers, brands or anything else.

We keep you and your staff involved throughout the process and we give you lots of options and ideas. We work in teams and make you part of our team. That’s why our company name is Creative Circle and not just the name of our founder or lead designer.

We design solutions that are practical and work with your staffing and equipment.

We believe in content and keep the reader in the forefront of everything we do. We are journalists – many of our key people have reporting or copyediting backgrounds. So if you are a newspaper or magazine, we will improve your journalism.

Our principal, Bill Ostendorf, who has done everything at newspapers from taking pictures to writing page one stories and dreaming up new product ideas, plays a hands-on role in every project.

And we will simply spend more time with you and work hard until you are satisfied.

WE ONLY TAKE ON A FEW CLIENTS each year and our goal is to have strong, ongoing relationships with those clients for several years. Changing and improving a newspaper or a brand is not a quick hit exercise. Anyone who tells you this can be done in a few prototypes just doesn’t care about your long-term success.