"The Professor"
You can always do better if you try harder.
Bill James
Recognitions: Essential worker, First responder, Medical worker
Five words that best describe my dad Awesome Funny Strong Dependable Smart
Why my dad is the best He is always there for his family.
Dad's kids Lisa, Mark
Top 10 list Sample: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.
Favorites Plain cheese pizza, Chicago Cubs and the New England Patriots!
A story My dad tells a wonderful story about this and that.
Highlights This is just sample copy.
Jobs He worked for 47 years at IBM but was laid off last year.
Etc His father always fed the critters in the back yard (and the fish in the lake) and now he does the same with his birds and squirrels and chipmunks and lots of other critters.
Looking forward This is a sample.
Most proud of More sample stuff.