456 results total, viewing 21 - 40
Energize and monetize your print ads online with a host of upsells and enhancements that give print ads new life as a marketing tool for your SMBs. more
The Times-Picayune in New Orleans and The Advocate in Baton Rouge switched to a narrower web width for their print newspapers on May 1 and readers approved. Creative Circle Media helped both papers make the change as reader-centric as possible. more
This app allows users to post calendar items that can include photos, logos, PDFs and video. It also offers paid options to feature a calendar item and it's capable of reverse publishing your calendar info for print. more
Our pay wall app can handle just about any type of subscription strategy and it works with any web site. It's powerful but simple to learn and run. It also integrates with print circulation systems and handles auto renewals and notifications. more
Our obituary app can take in death notices and obits, handle payments and upsells and showcase them online for any web site. more
Mother's Day app combines high interest user-contributed content plus new revenue and lots of sponsorship options in print and online. Families can post a photo gallery, top 10 list, favorite sayings and more about their mom and invite extended family members to join in. more
Creative Circle has launched a series of syndicated, turnkey web features pages called “Premium Pages” that are ideal for digital publishers who want to grow readership, sell sponsorships or launch local branded or native content sales. more
If you are interested in any of these openings, please contact us so we can put you in touch with the right contacts! more
Join our small, tightly knit team and help make our clients even more happy! Creative Circle, a national media consulting and software firm based in East Providence, is looking for a skilled, part-time customer support staffers. more
Yesterday’s Congressional debate over the results of the Electoral College was history in the making.But our television networks often failed in their coverage of this incredible political … more
What does this research indicate for local publishers? The good news is that local and community media are trusted at a much higher level than national media. So while we keep seeing polls that … more

Our primary web CMS is powerful and dynamic, yet easy to learn. It's like having InDesign for your web site. Our sites are well designed and reader centric. Upgrading to Creative Circle will better engage your readers and jump you traffic, time on site, click throughs and more.

We were the first web CMS developer to create an integrated pay wall and the first to offer user-contributed content, hyper-local sites, reverse publishing and native content. 

Graduation in 2020 is like no other. It stinks, especially for parents. But Creative Circle Media Solutions has released “Honor My Grad” – a web application built specifically to help parents, schools and colleges give the graduating class of 2020 their due recognition.   more
"We are creating a family of simple, self-service applications that can be deployed to serve very specific roles for local publishers," said Bill Ostendorf, president of Creative Circle Media Solutions. "These applications generate quality content and new revenue desperately needed to keep local news sites alive and well." more
At last – an effective way to gather and present information about local elections. This self-service app generates content and revenue, enhancing election coverage while saving time. more
Creative Circle Media Solutions hosts hundreds of local media sites around the United States. We work mostly with family or locally owned newspapers and we provide them with  web  sites and software, including credit card processing services. If you have a charge from us, it means you bought something through a web site we host. more
This is normally where our calendar list of trade shows and speaking engagements would appear. But there aren't many events happening now. But that doesn't mean we can't talk or get going on an upgrade that will help you turn the tide on growth and new revenue. If there is one thing this conoravirus mess has taught you, it probably is that your current web site isn't cutting it and you need something better to thrive in a digital world. Upgrding to a Creative Circle web site is part of the solution! And print? Don't follow the crowd and cut it further. That's not innovation and won't turn anything around. It's time to reinvent print and make it better. And that's something we can help you do. Let's talk today! 401-455-1555 or more
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